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Student Guide to the Library: Hours & Facility

Learn about the RCC Anne Moss-Biggs Library and the ins-and-outs of information literacy

Library Fact Sheet

Study Rooms

Group Study Rooms 

Rm 409: Seats up to 4 people and is equipped with a dry-erase board.

Rm 410: Seats up to 7 people comfortably and is equipped with a Clear Touch interactive display, and a dry-erase board.

Rm 411:  Seats up to 5 people comfortably and is equipped with a Clear Touch interactive display and a dry-erase board.

Study rooms can be reserved online.  

During the Fall and Spring Semesters, the Anne Moss-Biggs Library's hours are as follows:

Mon - Thurs:  7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. &  Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Summer Semester Hours
Mon - Thurs: 7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. & Friday - Sunday: Closed

Hours are subject to change during Fall and Spring Breaks, as well as, for holidays and observances. Be sure to check the RCC website for the most up to date information.

Upstairs Reading Room


Upstairs Library Reading Room

Reading Room: The library’s second floor has been designated as a quiet study area.  In addition to a lovely view of the campus, the Upstairs Reading Room offers an area perfect for contemplation and reflection.  The upstairs may be accessed by using the stairs or by taking the elevator.  It is imperative that patrons abide by the 'no talk' policy upstairs, as any sounds from upstairs disturb students who are studying on the first floor.